The first half of the list are disorders. Each disorder contains a batch of 1 or more frequencies.
If your disorder is not available, try Universal Healing. It has a batch of frequencies that are common to most disorders.
The last half of the list are individual frequencies. These are available if you want to target a specific frequency.
pls0000 Hz
Select pulsed or square wave.
Frequencies are played as square waves or pulsed. The pulsed mode has high frequencies inserted into the square waves. This causes a pounding effect.
Curent frequencies are displayed here. Most disorders have a batch of several frequencies and change as the session advances.
Freq Length (Minutes:Sec)
Enter the frequency length in minutes and seconds.
The default value is 00:00. Each frequency in the selected disorder batch will play only once during the session.
Frequency length can be set to a value other than 00:00. This will cause the session to change frequencies each time the frequency length is reached. This means that each frequency in the disorder batch can be played more than once during a session.
Volume 100%
Adjusted to 0%
Adjust the volume to the desired strength.
Frequencies have different energy levels. The low and high frequencies produce the weakest energy level. The stongest energy level is frequency 0625Hz. Since the frequencies are played in sequence, the application automatically adjusts the volume so that all the frequencies are normalized to the same energy level.
Duration (Minutes:Sec)
Enter the duration of the session in minutes and seconds.
At the beginning of a session, the session status will be set as follows: Elapsed time will be set to 00:00. Remaining time will be set to the duration. Percent completed will be set to 0%.
If the session is in progress, the session status will be set as follows: Elapsed time will remain untouched. Remaining time will be adjusted to reflect the new duration. Percent completed will be adjusted to reflect the new % completed.